The China Vegan Society's year in review for 2022


Happy New Year! How did you promote veganism in 2022?

Over the past year, the China Vegan Society launched a series of events and programs to influence, unite, and empower China's vegan community. Here are our top 10 highlights from 2022.


Chinese New Year social media campaign: Share your vegan Chinese New Year dinner!

To kick off the year of the tiger, the China Vegan Society launched an online campaign to veganize the most important dinner of the year! This recipe and food photo competition engaged home cooks, vegan chefs, vegan brands, and vegan media platforms across China to flood social media with mouth-watering vegan holiday dishes suitable for any Chinese New Year dinner table.

  • 18 vegan restaurant chefs and food bloggers contributed recipes

  • 8 vegan brands contributed to contest winners' vegan goodie bags

  • 50+ home cooks submitted vegan Chinese New Year food photos in the competition

  • 1200+ followers joined the group chat and participated in the online event


Published Chinese New Year vegan cookbook

After our Vegan Chinese New Year Dinner campaign, we compiled 18 festive and easy-to-make holiday recipes submitted by chefs and food bloggers all over China into a one-of-a-kind vegan Chinese New Year cookbook. Created by and for the Chinese vegan community, the cookbook features a collection of diverse and creative New Year's dish recipes, showcases China's outstanding vegan practitioners and brands, and provides the tools to enjoy a healthier, greener, and kinder diet during China's biggest holiday and throughout the coming year. If you're not sure what to prepare for Chinese New Year this year, this cookbook may come in handy! Click here to view and download (Chinese only)


Launched China's first weekly vegan events column

Although China's vegan movement is large and diverse, with countless vegan events taking place around the country every week, it has always been siloed into separate regions and communities. In February of 2022, the China Vegan Society launched a weekly nationwide event roundup article series that aims to make it easy for people anywhere in China to find and join vegan and vegan-friendly events across the country and online. Each week, we gather vegan and vegan-friendly events launched by individuals, clubs, nonprofits, and brands and share them for free on our WeChat official account. In 2022, we published nearly 400 diverse and engaging events—vegan cooking classes, online challenges, festivals, conferences, trade shows, markets, and more—and put them on the radar of over 13,000 viewers across the country. Click here to see all of the articles in WeChat.


Hosted the first China Vegan Advocates online networking session

In February, 2022, the China Vegan Society hosted the first in a series of online networking meetups for vegan advocates in China. As the feature guest speaker, CVS founder Mr. Jian Yi shared his experience and insights from years of vegan advocacy and research in China and the US with over 20 influential vegan community leaders, content creators, and entrepreneurs from across the country.


Launched the China Vegan Society Grant Program

In March 2022, the China Vegan Society officially opened its grant program to applications. This program offers funding to qualified vegan advocacy projects in China that aim to increase public awareness, acceptance, and practice of vegan and sustainable lifestyles. In addition to financial resources, the program also supports grantees by providing consultation, mentorship, tools, information, and publicity wherever possible.


Invited industry stakeholders to co-create China's first vegan food certification standard

On March 31, 2022, the Standards Committee of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation and the China Vegan Society Project Committee co-hosted a seminar with 15 food industry experts to discuss the standards and criteria of the China Vegan Food Standard. Representatives from several corporations that helped to develop the standards participated in the seminar, which was broadcasted live on Chinese livestreaming platforms. See the recording in WeChat.


Released the official standards for the China Vegan Food Certification

On April 29, 2022, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Standards Committee officially announced the release of the China Vegan Food Certification standards, which were developed in collaboration with the China Vegan Society and industry stakeholders. As China's first domestic vegan food standard, the Vegan Food Certification aims to engage China's food industry in the effort to achieve the goals of the Healthy China 2030 plan and implement official recommendations and action plans on strengthening biodiversity protection and achieving peak carbon before 2030. Read more here.


Launched the Ask Mang Q&A column

In June of 2022, we launched Ask Mang, a Q&A column specifically aimed at answering English-speaking audiences’ common (and obscure) questions about veganism in China. From the ancient Buddhist and Taoist influences that shape China's modern vegan movement to the best plant-based proteins to shop for in a Chinese market, Ask Mang offers a new perspective on veganism in China to people outside of the country—and makes life easier for the vegan expats who live here! Got a question about veganism in China? Email us!


Launched the MANG Vegan Events app

In October of 2022, we launched the MANG Vegan Events WeChat miniprogram—China's first digital platform for vegan and vegan-friendly activities and events. This WeChat-based one-stop vegan events platform makes it easy for people to publish, promote, find, and join vegan and vegan-friendly events anywhere in China. We created this platform to empower China's vegan community by

  • making it easy for more people to publish and promote vegan events

  • giving vegans access to more events and social opportunities

  • increasing exposure for vegan communities and brands

  • spreading the vegan message through the platform's positioning and event categories, and

  • challenging stereotypes about vegan lifestyles by exposing people to more diverse vegan events.


Hosted the first annual MANG China Vegan Summit

In December of 2022, we launched the MANG China Vegan Summit, China's first conference dedicated to connecting and empowering vegan advocates inside and outside of China. Over two days, more than 350,000 people tuned in to hear more than 60 speakers from around the world share ideas and best practices for growing the vegan movement through business, media, interactive campaigns, direct advocacy, and more. Read more about the 2022 Summit here.


How was 2022 for animals? 25 news stories and reports you should know about.


2 days, 71 speakers, 350,000 viewers, 1 mission: 1st China Vegan Summit by the numbers